U.S. Withholds Their Support For International Cybersecurity? | The Threat Report News

The U.S. failed to sign an international agreement on the basic principles of digital security, recently revealed through the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace. Some of the agreement stated the following:
• Put a stop to election hacking.
• Cease and desist on the theft of intellectual property.
• Uphold human rights, dignities, and privacies online.
• Implement basic security practices, including addressing vulnerabilities and reporting in a timely fashion.

It is yet to be seen how the US not agreeing plays out but many experts point to the fact that Russia and China did not sign either and the US does not want to have to play nicely with two of the world’s biggest cybersecurity offenders.

To read the full story, head to TheThreatReport.com right now.

Why The U.S. Withheld Their Support For Improved Security In The World

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